- Create a new project with: >rails name_of_project, then: >cd name_of_project
- Optionally if using other database than Sqlite: > rake db:create:all
- Install RSpec Plugin & Framework. Refer to the latest instructions.
- Run the RSpec generator to create framework: >ruby script/generate rspec
- Create latest plugin documents on local drive with: rake doc:plugins. Location of documentation is "name_of_project/doc/plugins/respec-rails/index.html. Open directly in browser with: open -a Firefox doc/plugins/rspec_on_rails/index.html. Or open index.html
- Install and run RSpec plugin framework if needed
- Create the git repository with a cd to the "name_of_project" directory and then:
>git config --global user.name "your name"
>git config --global user.email "your mail@provider"
>git config --global apply.whitespace nowarn
to check the settings see .gitconfig or: >git config --list
>git init (creates local repository and the .git directory)
>git add . (add all file and contents to firstime checkin)
>git commit -m "first commit"
>git status (check the repos)
see git cheatsheet for more
see git cheatsheet for more
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